Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My IPTABLES on Raspberry PI

I use Raspberry PI as a router and firewall. See My network structure.
In iptables I use nat and ICS (internet connection sharing) between wlan and eth network interfaces and port forwarding to provide services from network to

Monday, December 30, 2013

Setting up NFS

With NFS you can share folders on network and mount them on other computers just like local filesystems. I'm using NFS shared folder for transmission daemon's download folder and for owncloud.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Setting up DHCP Server

DHCP Server is one of services running on my Raspberry PI. Here is a short guide how to setup such service.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Python CalDAV script for creating/removing calendar events

I'd like to use terminal to create, view and remove events in my Owncloud calendar. I've found client library which is able to handle this. It is simple to use and offers only few functions (see documentation).
Based on this library I've written python2 script.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Synchronizing owncloud's contacts and calendar with Android

Owncloud offers it's own calendar and it can also store contacts. These can be accessed via CalDAV and CardDAV internet standard. As of Android, there is no direct option to configure other DAV clients to be used, so there is need to use 3rd party application.