Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My IPTABLES on Raspberry PI

I use Raspberry PI as a router and firewall. See My network structure.
In iptables I use nat and ICS (internet connection sharing) between wlan and eth network interfaces and port forwarding to provide services from network to

Monday, December 30, 2013

Setting up NFS

With NFS you can share folders on network and mount them on other computers just like local filesystems. I'm using NFS shared folder for transmission daemon's download folder and for owncloud.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Setting up DHCP Server

DHCP Server is one of services running on my Raspberry PI. Here is a short guide how to setup such service.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Python CalDAV script for creating/removing calendar events

I'd like to use terminal to create, view and remove events in my Owncloud calendar. I've found client library which is able to handle this. It is simple to use and offers only few functions (see documentation).
Based on this library I've written python2 script.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Synchronizing owncloud's contacts and calendar with Android

Owncloud offers it's own calendar and it can also store contacts. These can be accessed via CalDAV and CardDAV internet standard. As of Android, there is no direct option to configure other DAV clients to be used, so there is need to use 3rd party application.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Sync script

The script in this post handles synchronization of files and folders. You can specify source and destination file. It's using timestamp of file and md5 sum to check if the file was modified.
I've created this script because I needed to sync several files/folders with owncloud folder.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

My services

In this post, all services running on my Raspberry and some services on my laptop are shown.
This is just an overview for better imagination.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Setting up owncloud with nginx

Owncloud is the main service running on my raspberry. I'm using it for file uploading and sharing, contact and calendar synchronization with Android and to store bookmarks.
All this is running on nginx web server, which should be more lightweight than Apache, mariaDB and php-fpm.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

My .vimrc file

For several years I have been using vim as my favorite console text editor. Vim is based on vi editor and stands for vi improved. To customize it, you can edit global configuration stored in /etc/vimrc (for Archlinux) or if you like to use your config file as user, create file .vimrc in your home directory.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Transmission daemon with proxy forward on nginx

On my Raspberry I use transmission daemon for downloading torrents. It provides web interface, where you can add new torrents to download.
In this article I'll describe hot to set up transmission daemon and use it with nginx.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Raspberry system information

Sometimes it is useful to see some basic information when logging onto your PI. In my case I wanted to see if some processes are running, so I created simple script, that writes those and few additional information.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Setting up tmux - terminal multiplexer

Tmux stands for terminal multiplexer and it provides similar functionality as GNU Screen, it multiplies terminal sessions. It has slightly different philosophy of inner functionality as screen (it has been designed as client-server program) and it handles few things better than screen (see FAQ for more details).

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Setting up network with netctl

The first thing to do with Raspberry Pi after the system was installed, was to configure the network connection. For this I used netctl package, which is Arch specific CLI network configuration tool replacing earlier netcfg tool.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

My network structure

This short post will show my internal network structure. It is important to have an idea of how the components are connected.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Raspberry Pi section

About a month ago, I've bought myself a Raspberry Pi. In general I wanted to provide some services (mainly for private use) and after some time I've finished the configuration.
So in this new section called Raspberry Pi there will be short howto's of how I've got services set up. This section should serve mainly as documentation for me, but I hope it would help also other people.

In general, I use ArchlinuxARM as my distribution and hopefully I will soon post articles on how to setup
  • wireless and ethernet network with netctl
  • dhcpd and internet connection sharing between interfaces
  • owncloud with nginx, mysql and php-fpm
  • transmission daemon with proxy forward on nginx
  • sharing owncloud's calendar and contacts with Android device and control CalDAV with python script via shell
I'll also cover how to setup NFSd to share folders over network, how to setup IPTABLES with port forwarding (sharing FTP service on remote computer through Raspberry) and how to create PHP-FPM cluster to give Raspberry some extra resources for owncloud instance.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Boot iso image from GRUB2

This post shows how to boot clonezilla image from local disk with Grub2.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Function for removing keys from known_hosts

When connecting via ssh to a remote host you are asked to confirm the key fingerprint. This is added to ~/.ssh/known_hosts file so no further confirmation is required.
What about when the remote key has changed? You need to delete the key from this file.
I've written a small function to make this deleting easier, just by typing one command:

sshrm-key <nr>

My .screenrc

Hi, in this post I'll show you my configuration file for GNU screen.
For those who doesn't know what screen is, it's a full-screen window manager that multiplexes a physical terminal between several processes.
You can open terminal tabs in it, detach it and later reattach and continue you work and many many more like for example session sharing.