Sunday, May 3, 2015

Clonezilla UEFI boot

Clonezilla is awesome tool to backup your data. It has also released images able to boot from UEFI loader. This post shows how to create bootable USB from iso.

  1. download clonezilla iso with efi support (ubuntu based iso). Latest stable build is alternative stable releases - 20150217-utopic
  2. format your USB drive (WARNING: all data will be lost)
  3. parted /dev/sdc (NOTE: sdc is you usb drive)
        mklabel gpt
        mkpart ESP fat32 1M 100%
        set 1 boot on
    lsblk /dev/sdc
    mkfs.vfat -F32 /dev/sdc1
  4. mount USB drive and iso image
  5. mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt/USB
    mount -o loop /path/to/iso/clonezilla-2.3.1-20150217-utopic.iso /mnt/ISO
  6. copy iso content to usb drive
  7. cp -ar /mnt/ISO/* /mnt/USB/

Clonezilla backup fails with:
....Checking the disk space...
....Failed to use partclone program to save or restore an image!
This could happen with btrfs FS, you need to defragment the partition:
btrfs filesystem defragment -v -f -r -clzo / 
NOTE: / is path where your partition is mounted, in this case the root partition; 
      -clzo use this if you have compression enabled on your partition, otherwise remove this option
btrfs scrub scrub start /
btrfs scrub scrub status / 
NOTE: scrub is running on background, you can see the progress with status cmd


  1. a big big thank you!!!
    i wish you always find help when you need it, the way i found from you !!

  2. you can allways dd the iso file on the usb stick :)
