Sunday, May 3, 2015

Clonezilla UEFI boot

Clonezilla is awesome tool to backup your data. It has also released images able to boot from UEFI loader. This post shows how to create bootable USB from iso.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Howto: join mp4 files

To join two or more mp4 video files you can use ffmpeg utility, just follow this simple steps:
  1. convert mp4 to ts (transport stream) format
  2. ffmpeg -i file.mp4 -c copy -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -f mpegts file1.ts
  3. join several ts files into one mp4
  4. ffmpeg -i "concat:file1.ts|file2.ts" -c copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc file12.mp4
  •  conversion from other formats to mp4
  • ffmpeg -i fileOLD.webm -strict -2 fileNEW.mp4