Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Unmounting removable drives

This script is for safe removal of devices such as USB flash drives, portable HDDs etc. It's written in bash and uses notifications for KDE about the devices state when unmounting.

Notifications are for KDE, later I'll upload script with notifications for Gnome3. Notifications are using program notify-send included in the package notify-osd or libnotify-bin.
The script umnounts the first partition of the device.
USAGE: umountdev sda, this will unmount the sda (sda1) drive.

How it works:
First the variables are initialized. one for the device (sda) the other for the first partition (sda1). Next into the ARRAY is stored the device name, if the device doesn't have a name, the default one is used (/dev/sda).
Next the script will find out if the 1. partition is able to be umnounted, if it is used, the notification is send with the list of processes using the device.
In the following condition it is tested if the device exists and if it can be unmounted.
Notifications are shown when:
- the device doesn't exist
- the device exists, but it can't be unmounted
- the device exists, but is already unmounted

NOTE: the script uses the eject command, therefore you need permissions for this command (e.g. setting up sudoers). notify-send uses icons stored in my home folder under ~/.icons; the default location for the icons is in KDE /usr/share/icons (optionally /opt/kde3/share/icons).
The script:



#echo $dev

ARRAY=( `cd /dev/disk/by-label; ls -l * | grep $dev | sed -e
's/\://'` )
if [ "${ARRAY[7]}" == "" ]; then

if [ -b /dev/$dev ]; then
lsof=`lsof -t /dev/$dev | head -n 1`
if [ $lsof ];then
notify-send "The device ${ARRAY[7]} is being used by:" \ "`lsof
/dev/$dev | grep -v COMMAND`" -t 9000 -i
exit 0

if [ -b /dev/$device ]; then
lsof=`lsof -t /dev/$device | head -n 1`
if [ $lsof ];then
notify-send "The device ${ARRAY[7]} is being used by:" \ "`lsof
/dev/$device | grep -v COMMAND`" -t 9000 -i

sudo eject /dev/$device
notify-send "The device ${ARRAY[7]} was unmounted" \ "You can now
remove the device." -t 9000 -i ~/.icons/button_ok.png

notify-send "The device \"$device\" does not exist." \ "It has been
probably unmounted earlier." -t 9000 -i

exit 0

EDIT: I changed the script, so that all partitions of the device are umnounting now.
Usage stayed the same: umountdev sda

 ### ### ###
 #KrisKo 2010#
 ### ### ###

#variable indicating if device is used
 #List all mounted partitions into the array
 MOUNTED=( `mount | grep -o "$1[1-9]"` )

 for DEV in ${MOUNTED[*]}; do
 #find out the name of mounted partition and use default when no name set
 ALIAS=( "`cd /dev/disk/by-label; ls -l * | grep $DEV | cut -d " " -f 8 | sed 's/\\\x20/ /g'`" )
 if [ "$ALIAS" == "" ]; then

#check if the partition is being used, if not, eject the device
 lsof=`lsof -t $devpath$DEV | head -n 1`
 if [ $lsof ];then
 notify-send "The device \"$ALIAS\" is being used by:" \ "`lsof $devpath$DEV | grep -v COMMAND`" -i ~/.icons/messagebox_warning.png
 else sudo eject $devpath$DEV

#exit on error (exits if one or more devices are being used)
 if [ $ERR == 1 ]; then
 exit 1

if [ -b $devpath$1 ]; then
 lsof=`lsof -t $devpath$1 | head -n 1`
 if [ $lsof ];then
 notify-send "The device \"$devpath$1\" is being used by:" \ "`lsof $devpath$1 | grep -v COMMAND`" -i ~/.icons/messagebox_warning.png

 sudo eject $devpath$1
 notify-send "The device \"$devpath$1\" was unmounted" \ "You can now remove the device." -i ~/.icons/button_ok.png

 notify-send "The device \"$devpath$1\" does not exist." -i ~/.icons/messagebox_info.png

exit 0

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