Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Weather script (for Slovakia) (bash, perl, python)

This script displays weather for cities: BA, KE and PO.

This script has been written for conky. It shows actual weather and weather for tomorrow.

Properties: the weather information are downloaded from two sources. Actual weather is downloaded from SHMU and the forecast is from METEO.AZET.SK.
The forecast is refreshed every day at 2:00 PM.

Usage: the script know three parameters: -a for actual weather, -f for forecast and -help for showing the help menu.

Example of usage:
$ weather -a BA -a PO -f KE
Bratislava 21°C Oblačno 6m/s SZ
Prešov 23°C Oblačno 4m/s SZ
Pondelok 24. 05. polooblačno až oblačno, prehánky 22°C

The script:

#Help, this is displayed when parameter -help is used, or when bad parameter is given
    echo Wheater forecast for current day and for tomorrow.
    echo USAGE: weather [option] [city]
    echo OPTIONS:
    echo " -a Actual weather"
    echo " -f Weather forecast for tomorrow"
    echo " -help Displays this help"
    echo ""
    echo Known cities: KE - Kosice, PO - Presov, BA - Bratislava
    echo " -for actual weather it is possible to use other common cities"
    echo ""
    echo KRISKO 2010

#This prints actual weather
 #print out following options
 ARG=( Mesto Teplota Oblačnosť Rýchlosť vetra )
 #location given as the parameter
 #from web page, take the forecast for city specified in $location
 ARRAY="`wget -q -O /tmp/weather.html;cat /tmp/weather.html | grep $location | head -n 1 | sed -e 's/<strong>/^/g' | sed -e 's/<p>//g' | sed -e 's/<\/strong>/^/g' | sed -e 's/<\/p>/ /g' | sed -e 's/&deg;/°/';rm /tmp/weather.html`"
 #print out each entry from ARG
 for ENTRY in ${ARG[*]}; do
 printf "$ARRAY" | tr [^] ["\n"] | grep -A 1 "$ENTRY" | tail -n 1 | tr ["\n"] [' ']
 echo ""

#This prints weather for tomorrow

#convert city shortcut to full name (this is because syntax from web page)
 #there are few more cities you can use, see the page
 case "$1" in
    KE) location=kosice;;
    BA) location=bratislava;;
    PO) location=presov;;
    * ) echo Unknown city; usage;;

#from web page, take the forecast for city specified in $location
 TMRW="`wget -q$location -O /tmp/weathertmrw.html;cat /tmp/weathertmrw.html | grep -A 6 mesto_predpoved_pravy_data_a | head -n 6 | sed -e 's/&deg;/°/' | sed -e 's/<\/span//g' | sed -e 's/&nbsp;//' | sed -e 's/title="/\>/' | sed -e 's/" src/\>/';rm /tmp/weathertmrw.html`"

#print out following options a=day, b=date, c,d=forecast, e=temp
 ARG=( $idx"a" $idx"b" $idx"c" $idx"d" $idx"e" )
 #print out each entry from ARG
 for ENTRY in ${ARG[*]}; do
 printf "$TMRW" | tr ['>'] ["\n"] | grep -A 1 "$ENTRY" | tail -n 1 | tr ["\n"] [' ']
 echo ""

if [ $# -eq 0 ];then
    #allowed options are -a, -f, -h in each case proper function is called with parameter (if specified)
 while getopts "a:f:h:" option; do
    case "$option" in
       a) actual $OPTARG;;
       f) forecast $OPTARG;;
       h) usage;;
      [?]) echo "Bad option.";usage;;

EDIT: link for forecast updated
EDIT: due to changes on the page SHMU is the script usage limited until the page goes back to normal.

Script in perl:

#pragma; this specifies that all variables have to be declared
use strict;

#define global variables
use vars qw/ %opt /;

#Help, this is displayed when parameter -help is used, or when bad parameter is given
sub usage{
    printf "Wheater forecast for current day and for tomorrow.\n";
    printf "USAGE: weather [option] [city]\n\n";
    printf "OPTIONS:\n";
    printf " -a Actual weather\n";
    printf " -f Weather forecast for tomorrow\n";
    printf " -h Displays this help\n\n";
    printf "Known cities: KE - Kosice, PO - Presov, BA - Bratislava\n";
    printf " -for actual weather it is possible to use other common cities\n\n";
    printf "KRISKO 2010\n";

#This prints actual weather
sub actual{

  #print out following options
  my @ARG=('Mesto', 'Teplota', 'Oblačnosť', 'Rýchlosť', 'vetra');

  #location given as the parameter
  my $location=$_[0];

  #from web page, take the forecast for city specified in $location
  my $ARRAY=`wget -q -O /tmp/weather.html;cat /tmp/weather.html | grep $location | head -n 1 | sed -e 's/<strong>/^/g' | sed -e 's/<p>//g' | sed -e 's/<\\/strong>/^/g' | sed -e 's/<\\/p>/ /g' | sed -e 's/&deg;/°/';rm /tmp/weather.html`;

  #print out each entry from ARG
  foreach (@ARG){
    my $OUT=`echo "$ARRAY" | tr [^] ["\n"]i | grep -A 1 "$_" | tail -n 1 | tr ["\n"] [' ']`;
    printf "$OUT";
  printf "\n";

#This prints weather for tomorrow
sub forecast{
  #convert city shortcut to full name (this is because syntax from web page)
  #there are few more cities you can use, see the page
  my $location;
  switch: {
    $_[0] =~ "KE" && do { $location="kosice"; last switch; };
    $_[0] =~ "PO" && do { $location="presov"; last switch; };
    $_[0] =~ "BA" && do { $location="bratislava"; last switch; };
    printf "Unknown city\n"; usage();
  #from web page, take the forecast for city specified in $location
  my $TMRW=`wget -q$location -O /tmp/weathertmrw.html; cat /tmp/weathertmrw.html | grep -A 6 mesto_predpoved_pravy_data_a | head -n 6 | sed -e 's/&deg;/°/' | sed -e 's/<\\/span//g' | sed -e 's/&nbsp;//' | sed -e 's/title="/\\>/' | sed -e 's/" src/\\>/' | sed -e 3d | sed -e 's/>=/\\n/' | sed -e 4d; rm /tmp/weathertmrw.html`;
  #my $TMRW=`wget -q$location -O /tmp/weathertmrw.html;cat /tmp/weathertmrw.html | grep -A 6 mesto_predpoved_pravy_data_a | head -n 6 | sed -e 's/&deg;/°/' | sed -e 's/<\\/span//g' | sed -e 's/&nbsp\;//' | sed -e 's/title="/\\>/' | sed -e 's/" src/\\>/'`;

  #print out following options a=day, b=date, c,d=forecast, e=temp
  my $idx="mesto_predpoved_pravy_data_";
  my @ARG=("${idx}a", "${idx}b", "${idx}c", "${idx}d", "${idx}e"); 
  #print out each entry from ARG
  foreach (@ARG){
    my $OUT=`echo "$TMRW" | tr ['>'] ["\n"] | grep -A 1 "$_" | tail -n 1 | tr ["\n"] [' ']`;
    printf "$OUT";
  print "\n";

my $ARGC = $#ARGV + 1;

if ($ARGC == 0){

use Getopt::Std;
my $opt_string = 'a:f:h:';
getopts( "$opt_string", \%opt ) or usage();
usage() if $opt{h};
actual($opt{a}) if $opt{a};

exit 0;
Script in python:
# coding: utf8

#      Author: KrisKo  
#        Year: 2011  
# Description: script for showing weather forecast

#for processing bash commands
import commands
import sys

#Help, this is displayed when parameter -help is used, or when bad parameter is given
def usage():
 print " Wheater forecast for current day and for tomorrow."
 print " USAGE: weather [option] [city]"
 print " OPTIONS:"
 print " -a Actual weather"
 print " -f Weather forecast for tomorrow"
 print " -help Displays this help"
 print ""
 print " Known cities: KE - Kosice, PO - Presov, BA - Bratislava"
 print " -for actual weather it is possible to use other common cities"
 print ""
 print " KRISKO 2010"
 exit (1)

#This prints actual weather
def actual():
 #from web page, take the forecast for city specified in location
 ARRAY=commands.getoutput("wget -q -O /tmp/weather.html;cat /tmp/weather.html | grep " + sys.argv[2] + "| head -n 1 | sed -e 's/<strong>/^/g' | sed -e 's/<p>//g' | sed -e 's/<\/strong>/^/g' | sed -e 's/<\/p>/ /g' | sed -e 's/&deg;/°/';rm /tmp/weather.html")

 #print out following options
 ARG = [ 'Mesto', 'Teplota', 'Oblačnosť', 'Rýchlosť', 'vetra' ]
 for ENTRY in ARG[:]:
  FILTER=commands.getoutput("printf" + ARRAY + " | tr [^] [\"\n\"] | grep -A 1 " + ENTRY + " | tail -n 1 ")
  sys.stdout.write(FILTER + " ")
 print ""

#This prints weather for tomorrow
def forecast():
 #convert city shortcut to full name (this is because syntax from web page)
 #there are few more cities you can use, see the page
 if (sys.argv[2] == "KE"): location="kosice"
 elif (sys.argv[2] == "BA"): location="bratislava"
 elif (sys.argv[2] == "PO"): location="presov"
  print "Unknown city"

 #from web page, take the forecast for city specified in $location
 TMRW=commands.getoutput("wget -q" + location + " -O /tmp/weathertmrw.html;cat /tmp/weathertmrw.html | grep -A 6 mesto_predpoved_pravy_data_a | head -n 6 | sed -e 's/&deg;/°/' | sed -e 's/<\/span//g' | sed -e 's/&nbsp;//g' | sed -e 's/title=\"/\>/' | sed -e 's/\" src/\>/' | cut -d \">\" -f 2; rm /tmp/weathertmrw.html")

 #print out following options a=day, b=date, c,d=forecast, e=temp
 ARG=( idx + "a", idx + "b", idx + "c", idx + "d", idx + "e" )

 #print out each entry from ARG
 FILTER=commands.getoutput("printf \"" + TMRW + "\" | tr [\"\n\"] [' '] | sed -e 's/  / /g'")# | grep -A 1 " + ENTRY + " | tail -n 1")
 sys.stdout.write(FILTER + " ")
 print ""

def main():
 #allowed options are -a, -f, -h in each case proper function is called with parameter (if specified)
 if (len(sys.argv) > 1):
  if( sys.argv[1] == '-a' ) and ( len(sys.argv) > 2 ): 
  elif( sys.argv[1] == '-f' ) and ( len(sys.argv) > 2 ):
  elif( sys.argv[1] == '-h' ) or ( sys.argv[1] == '-help' ) or ( sys.argv[1] == '--help' ):
   print "Unknown or bad option"
  print "You need to provide a parameter!"


### Known Bugs  ###
#  actual forecast for bratislava doesn't work
### ### ### ### ### 

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